Ben Vass is currently a student at Buckinghamshire New University studying (BSc) Product Design. He achieves unique design outcomes through a constant and passionate exploration of manufacturing and crafting techniques.
In his designs, Ben’s approach is more efficient, striving for a functional design which keeps an aesthetic unobtrusively complements the surroundings.
To do so, he is continually developing his skills of computer aided design to better communicate design ideas and utilize alternative production techniques such as 3D printing and laser cutting to help ensure accuracy.
In his spare time, Ben enjoys taking part in medieval live action roleplay activities, even making his own props for events. This passion for the middle ages has grown at Buckinghamshire New University since he took on the position of chairman of the Bucks Blades HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) society. The medieval style has been a constant source of inspiration for Ben’s work, and he hopes to continue this in future practice.
Entry description
“Serendipity, a positive accidental discovery. A perfect name for my piece, as I was producing a part for my initial design, a piece crystalized, leaving a gold shimmering geometric pattern that opened a range of new design possibilities. Feeling that this wonderful accident presented a new and exciting aesthetic, embodying the competition theme and exploring an uncommon use of pewter.”